The Scrubba: See What All the Fuss is about with our Top 5 Reasons to Pack Light

Photo by Diogo Nunes on Unsplash
We know that our portable, light, and environmentally-friendly wash bag and wash pack are fundamental accessories for travel.
Why? Because they enable you to pack less and to feel clean, light and free no matter where you’re travelling. But if you’re wondering what exactly the advantages of lighter travel are, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. In fact, here at the Scrubba we know a thing or two about the benefits of ditching that bulging backpack or stuffed, seam-bursting suitcase, and we want to share them with you! Prepare yourself for the lightest, most liberating travel of your life by downsizing your pack and benefiting in the following ways:
1. Save time packing/repacking/unpacking:
If you get exhausted every time it comes to moving destination, constantly worry about having to pay for late checkout as you hastily throw a bunch of crinkled clothes into your overstuffed case, and find yourself spending half your trip worrying because you can’t remember which one of your pouches or pockets you stored your passport in for ‘safe-keeping’, it sounds like you’re familiar with the burden of over-packing. Save yourself the hassle by cutting back and limiting yourself to hand-luggage so that all your gear is readily accessible and less likely to be lost. This is particularly important for backpackers who are sharing their space in dorm-rooms, or for fast-paced travellers who move quickly from place to place.
2. Save money:
You stand before the luggage scales at the check-in desk, holding your breath as you watch the numbers creep upwards, wondering if you’re going to be able to sweet-talk the clerk into waiving that frankly ridiculous excess baggage fee that you thought you’d finally managed to avoid. This is a familiar scenario for too many travellers, but even if excess baggage fees aren’t usually a problem for you, it’s worth noting that many countries charge for luggage on their public transport systems (usually anything more than a daypack or a small wheeled case), slapping you with an unnecessary fee every time you want to jump on the train or ride the bus. On the other hand, lodging your luggage at a hotel or in a locker at the train station can be even more costly, and forking out the money for taxis because your bag is heavy or awkward to carry reduces not only the size of your wallet, but also the time you get to spend out on the street soaking up new cultures. Save the cash for something more valuable by cutting down to a sturdy daypack. As an added benefit, smaller backpacks and bags are generally cheaper to purchase than their larger counterparts.
3. Avoid queues:
Travelling is, without a doubt, a life-changing experience, and many people know it. It is, therefore, highly likely that a significant portion of your holiday will be spent queuing for various sites and attractions. You certainly don’t need to add to the problem by waiting in lengthy lines at airport check-in and baggage claim, or by trying to stuff yourself, along with your bulging suitcase, Tetris-style into trains and buses that are already at full capacity. Travelling with less luggage means freeing yourself up to ride public transport more comfortably and skipping tedious lines at airports and other transport hubs.
4. Avoid the risk of lost luggage:
Ah yes, that all too familiar sinking feeling of watching the last piece of baggage wind its way around the near-empty conveyor belt and realising that it doesn’t belong to you. Cue more waiting in lines, hanging around at airports, and fretting about where your stuff has gone and how long it’s going to be until you have it back. Save yourself the stress, the lengthy wait, and the insurance claims by cutting down to hand-luggage and walking triumphantly out the arrivals' gate with nothing holding you back.
5. Feel liberated. See more, do more, live like a local:
Large bags are heavy and can weigh you down both physically and emotionally. They put stress on your back or can be difficult to wheel through harsh terrain including ice, snow, gravel, steep or rocky slopes, and unmade roads or pavements – all commonly encountered whilst travelling the globe. Smaller, lighter bags enable you to move freely through whatever region you’ve decided to visit, don’t compromise your ability to hike or get active, don’t make it impossible to navigate whilst admiring local sites, and don’t make you stand out uncomfortably from the crowd. Free your body and mind by packing less and switching to a lighter bag that doesn’t trip you up at every turn.
The Scrubba Wash Bag or Wash Pack enables you to do laundry on the go, meaning that you can pack fewer clothes and carry less gear overall, all whilst saving yourself money, time, and excess, uncomfortable weight. No more queuing at baggage claim, no more loitering around expensive laundromats, and no more sweating as you heave your bag over rocky terrain. The Scrubba is hygienic, environmentally-friendly, and weather-proof, meaning that it will see you through even the wettest winters without the help of those awkward, tent-sized rain covers. It’s the best way to do laundry on the road, to shrink your luggage, and to start reaping the rewards of clean, light and free travel. Want to learn even more about packing light? Check out our top tips!