The Washing Machine that Gives Back Clean Water.
Accessibility to safe water should be a right shared by all. During a trip to Laos and Cambodia we saw first-hand how scarce clean drinking water can be in developing countries and we decided to dedicate a portion of our proceeds to tackling the issue of providing clean water to remote parts of the world.
We have made over USD42,000 of donations to fund the construction of wells in Ethiopia, funded clean water and sanitation centres in Bangladesh schools and contributed to the aid relief in the Philippines following the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan. This has been made possible by Scrubba customers, so we thank you.
Who runs the water projects?
We have partnered with charity: water to manage our water projects. charity:water offer a high level of transparency and 100% of the money donated goes to the actual project, rather than on administration costs.

This video from charity:water will help you learn more around the impact safe water can have on saving lives in developing countries.
Our donation to charity:water helped provide clean water to a school in Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh:
- 16% of the population lack access to water
- 42% of the population lack access to sanitation
- 5% of the population live below the poverty line
We hope our contributions past and future will help to reduce these statistics.
Calibre8 Pty Ltd donated $15,000 USD to charity:water to build the infrastructure required to plumb a water system for three schools in Bangladesh. An anonymous donor generously matched our donation bringing it to a total of $30,000 USD.
1031 students and teachers of Mahbubenessa Girls, Nazrul Academy and Rashidpur High Schools now have access to clean and safe drinking and washing water. The project will provide an ongoing supply of clean water as well as vital training in water and sanitation hygiene.

Our donation to charity:water to fund a well projects in Ethiopia.

Currently in Ethiopia:
- 58% of the population lack access to water
- 77% of the population lack access to sanitation
- 6% of the population live below the poverty line
The need for help is great.
Calibre8 Pty Ltd team has donated over $26,000 USD to charity:water to fund Ethiopian well projects in their entirety. The projects will provide life-saving water, hygiene and sanitation to a community in the Tigray region. Some of the donation were generously matched by an anonymous donor resulting in a total of $46,000 USD donated.
One project that was completed included construction of a new drilled well, that supplies more than 500 people in the area. These deep wells typically supply more water than a hand-dug well, but the projects are more expensive as they require heavy equipment, fuel and larger teams of skilled technicians.
Thank you for helping us to make this possible.