A Challenge for Light Travel - 3kg for 3 weeks in 3 countries

In 2012, the team at the Scrubba wash bag were challenged to prove that the Scrubba wash bag can allow you to pack and travel lighter and cleaner.

Not being a team that likes to back down from challenges we set to prove that the Scrubba wash bag could allow us to travel for 3 weeks in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos with less than 3kg of luggage each, including our backpack and clothes on our back. 

The following video shows how to pack light and travel clean:

We will be posting a detailed summary of what we packed in our next blog.

In the meantime, if you want to travel with less gear and less effort, buy a Scrubba wash bag now.  Otherwise, the Scrubba wash bag makes a great gift or present for family or friends who are traveling for their holiday or vacation.