Beware of counterfeit Scrubba wash bags

At Scrubba we pride ourselves on making high quality innovate travel and camping gear and we back all our products with our 12 month warranty. All genuine Scrubba products are manufactured under the direction of our company Calibre8 Pty Ltd.
Scrubba wash bags and other Scrubba products are protected by our registered patents, designs and trade marks.
Counterfeit Scrubba wash bags sold on Temu - November 2023
In November 2023, 630 fake Scrubba wash bags were sold on the Temu platform by a seller called JOYRAVO. These counterfeit products violated our registered trade marks, registered patents, copyright in our promotional imges, copyright on our packaging and product artwork, passing off and other laws. Action is being taken against Temu and JOYRAVO for their unlawful or criminal actions
The products sold on Temu are not genuine Scrubba wash bags and purchasers should seek a refund from Temu. If you have been gifted a counterfeit Scrubba wash bag, you should request that the purchaser seek a refund. While the counterfeiters have copies most aspects of the product, the counterfeit is clearly identifiable by the long air release valve.
Counerfeits on in 2020
Since 2021, Scrubba wash bags sold on Amazon are labelled at our factory with Transparency stickers. These stickers are scanned and matched to Amazon Transparency database to verify they are genuine Scrubba wash bags. Any counterfeits won't be allowed in Amazon warehouses or sold on Amazon.
In 2020, before we activated Transparency labelling, some counterfeit Scrubba wash bags were sold on under the account of "Steve Butler Zr". These counterfeit Scrubba wash bags are readily identifiable by the type of valve used and inferior inner washboard.
Measures are being take to enforce our intellectual property rights against Steve Butler Zr.
If you have received a counterfeit Scrubba wash bag from, we recommend that you file an A to Z claim against "Steve Butler Zr" citing that you received counterfeit product. It is our hope that will cover the return shipping costs for the counterfeit product and either provide you with a genuine Scrubba wash bag or a full refund.
If you would like assistance in determining whether you have a genuine Scrubba wash bag, please contact us at
Thanks for your continued support of the Scrubba brand.
Ash Newland
Managing Director and Patent Attorney
Scrubba by Calibre8